ایکس ری Rapiscan 532 پالتی سایز150*165سانتیمتر
ایکس ری Rapiscan 532 پالتی
ایکس ری Rapiscan 532 پالتی مناسب برای اماکنی که نیاز به کنترل و بازرسی پالتهای بزرگ به جهت جلوگیری از ورود و خروج اقلام ممنوعه با توجه به تعاریف درون سازمانی را دارند مناسب می باشد.
baggage and parcel inspection
Heavy Duty
Available with Belt Conveyor
The dual energy Rapiscan 532 is designed for large palletized cargo weighing up to 3,000Kgs (6,600 pounds). Dual energy imaging provides automatic color coding of materials with different atomic numbers so that screeners can easily identify objects within the parcel. The system provides a horizontal view of the pallet and includes a heavy-duty roller conveyor – an optional belt conveyor system is also available.
The Rapiscan 532 has a large tunnel opening of 1,500mm (59 inches) x 1,650mm (64.96 inches) for easy and accurate inspections of large cargo pallets.
Customer Support Services Our team is dedicated to providing a prompt, effective and personalized response that exceeds your expectations. With spare parts inventory and skilled technicians all over the world, you can be certain Rapiscan Systems will always be prepared with a solution to address your requirements. By measuring response time, parts delivery and support status, our team embraces a customer centric philosophy to ensure continual improvement of our products and services.
HEALTH & SAFETY All Rapiscan Systems products comply with applicable international health and safety regulations including USA FDA X-ray systems (Federal Standard 21CFR 1020.40) and Health and Safety at Work Act 1974-section 6, Amended by the Consumer Protection Act 1987. Maximum leakage radiation less than 0.1mR/hr (1µ Sv/hr) in contact with outer panels. Film Safety: For ISO 1600/33 DIN, guaranteed up to 10 times exposure to radiation. CE Compliance: Yes FCC & IEC Compliance: Yes
ایکس ری Rapiscan 532 پالتی سایز150*165سانتیمتر
قیمت: تماس بگیرید
کد محصول: egs-532
گارانتی: ۱ سال خدمات پس از فروش
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